Choosing springs for your Overhead Door: 5 Vital Tips

Choosing springs for your Overhead Door: 5 Vital Tips

Garage Door Springs Choose
Achieving a well-balanced garage door is essential for its optimal performance and extended spring life. This article, brought to you by the experts at SGD Springs, offers valuable insights on selecting the correct springs for your garage door needs.

1. Material Selection: Galvanized vs. Carbon Steel
When it comes to garage door springs, the choice of material is crucial. Galvanized metal and carbon steel are the two most common options, each with its advantages.

Galvanized metal boasts anti-rust properties, making it ideal for applications where rust is a concern. However, its limited flexibility can impact the spring's longevity. Due to its minimal stretch, galvanized metal isn't the best choice for garage door springs.

On the other hand, carbon steel offers excellent wire flexibility. While it may rust faster in certain conditions compared to galvanized steel, adding a protective coating can effectively mitigate rust concerns. With this protective coating, carbon steel emerges as the preferred choice for a durable garage door spring.

2. Diameter Matters
The diameter of the spring plays a significant role in its lifespan. Opting for a larger diameter spring can extend its longevity. The most common diameter sizes range between 1¾ inches and 2 inches. Selecting the larger 2-inch diameter size can significantly increase the spring's life expectancy.

3. Determining Spring Length
Choosing the right spring length involves a systematic process. Start by selecting the spring's diameter, then determine the wire size (spring coil), and finally, identify the appropriate length.

An Inch Per Pound Turns (IPPT) Chart is a valuable tool for assessing the strength of a garage door spring. It calculates the required energy for lifting the door. Once you've established the IPPT number, you can accurately calculate the spring length suitable for your specific application.

4. Coated Springs for Longevity
For all applications, we strongly recommend using coated springs. The application of a protective coating on your garage door spring is vital in preventing rust and prolonging its lifecycle. At SGD Springs, we apply a "black preventative coating" on both sides, inside and out, to deliver the quality you and your customers deserve.

5. Trustworthy Supplier
Selecting the right Garage Door Spring Supplier is pivotal for a successful installation. With numerous suppliers available, it's essential to choose a company known for reliability, timely deliveries, exceptional customer service, top-quality products, and product warranties. Your choice of supplier can make a significant difference in the success of your garage door project.

At SGD Springs, we pride ourselves on being your trusted partner in providing high-quality garage door springs and exceptional service. We look forward to serving your needs and ensuring the utmost satisfaction for you and your valued customers.Spring Supplier
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